Career Coaching

Steve Miller

Steve is the creator of The Implicit Career Search and President of IMEX. He has used his Implicit Career Search approach to help many individuals from diverse backgrounds develop solid career plans based on the contribution they define as their work purpose. Steve has a proven track record working with employees and their employers in developing creative succession plans that are highly satisfactory to both parties.

The ICS workshop is designed to guide participants through 6 Stages of Career Planning (Decision Making-Personal Development-Personal Definition-Career Definition-Career Development- Strategic Career Planning). Steve has also developed processes for each stage that will allow clients to go even deeper than they experienced during the workshop, or to remove any blocks they identified during the workshop.

Some examples of one on one sessions with Steve would be:

Further developing essence based decision making

Removing self-sabotaging beliefs

Dealing with fears and phobias

Removing charges that interfere with personal and/or career development

Effective goal setting

Attaining career and personal bliss


Steve Miller_Headshot

Susan Petrina

Susan Petrina has developed and delivered workshops in personal, career, and team development, leadership, well-being, self-esteem, communications, customer service and conflict resolution for individuals and corporations throughout Europe as well as in Canada and China for over 20 years.

Closest to her heart is her work in career development using the Implicit Career Search. In 1999 she was a member of a team that launched ICS in Vancouver, BC in an agency that continued to successfully deliver the program for over a decade. She went on to train and mentor others in delivering this model, successfully launching the Swedish version, Working on Purpose, in 2007 within a Swedish restaurant chain.

Her client list includes Ikea Group, Sony, Ericksson, Australian Laboratory Systems, Stockholm’s Institute for Leadership, Skanska Construction, IKANO, The Open Learning Agency and North Shore Continuing Education to name a few.


Sharon Clarke

Sharon has been using the Implicit Career Search workshop series to support individuals and groups to achieve their personal and professional development goals since 2002.

Passionate about helping people live and work purposefully and joyfully, she brings knowledge, inspiration, warmth and humour to her sessions creating a safe, positive environment for personal and professional breakthroughs to occur. Sharon offers customized sessions, both in person and online, in career development and planning, executive coaching, communication, and conflict resolution.
In addition to her degree, training in counselling and multiple certifications in the Implicit Career Search, Sharon has the Human Element Phase II certification (also related to organizational development) and additional training in interpersonal communication and conflict resolution. Sharon has co-examined with Steve Miller certifying new trainers and has offered an online executive coaching training program as an additional Implicit Career Search certification. She has also instructed courses on interpersonal communication in the Career Development Practitioner Certification program through Okanagan College.

Photo on 2016-02-04 at 3.10 PM