A profoundly simple approach to career planning. Profound in the depth of clarity it provides to those seeking purposeful careers. Simple in the realistic, attainable career plan it produces for each participant. By viewing your career as a heroic journey The Implicit Career Search approach will help you define who you are and who you intend to be, discover what you want to contribute through your work, and develop that work purpose into a successful career path
A leadership program that combines The Implicit Career Search and The Human Element into a state of the art program designed to guide individuals to become leaders and to help organizations provide career direction and leadership development to their high potentials.
One-on-one coaching through the Implicit Career Search process delivered by Senior ICS Practitioners. Gain further clarity regarding your own career development and learn to motivate staff and colleagues to fulfill their career potential.
Designed to maximize human potential within organizations. Based on FIRO Theory and primarily aimed at work teams within organizations. Teams adapting this approach find that the other aspects of organizational development: strategic planning; cultural change; job retention, etc., all work much more effectively when built upon The Human Element foundation.